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The Isle de France has a new Chef in the kitchen! Although Yann is not new at the Hotel, it is his first season as the Head Chef. “After a 3 month adventure in Argentina, I have come back full of positive energy and excited to start my 11th year at the Isle de France.” Yann, pictured right,  said to me yesterday.

Yann, Head chef at Isle de FranceThe Isle de France’s restaurant was my choice for a quiet evening with some friends and I was amazed by the dishes Yann served. Everything was delicious, but the desserts were quite simply incredible.
Mine was a swirl of chocolate and pralines, topped by a sprinkle of roasted hazelnuts and a home made chocolate ice cream, a dessert hiding at the bottom of the menu. My friends had the chocolate mousse and they both loved every bit of it, warm and fluffy yet creamy. These were desserts to fall in love…..

Yann has talent and the Isle de France is now showcasing it!

Tradewind plane and St. BarthsI ran into Brice, from St. Barth Services, this morning while wandering in Gustavia and we started talking about how the airport in St Barths had changed in the past few years.

Not only has it grown to welcome  all who arrive by plane, chartered or scheduled flights comfortably, but it continues to grow with a planned extension for the car rental companies.

Another major improvement, in the past few years, is the arrival on St Barths of Tradewind Aviation flights. Direct from San Juan to St. Barths in a luxurious plane, Tradewind is an excellent option to bypass the St. Martin airport that allows you to arrive ready for a vacation. Fortunately, the scheduled service is due to start again soon on October 29th, from what my sources tell me.

For more information, please click here.

What a great place St. Barths is for a romantic getaway…. Imagine a bottle of chilled champagne, the moon, a midnight swim and shooting stars overhead…

Most beaches on St. Barths are deserted at night and you can easily find a quiet place for a romantic picnic with your loved one. Maya’s to Go, in St Jean, is a fantastic take out delicatessen shop where you will find all the delicious makings of a meal… salads, quiches, decadent desserts and much more…

A few candles will set the mood and the glow of the moon will do the rest. An intimate evening, far from restaurants and people, to relax, hold hands while you stroll on the beach and talk quietly.  If you lose track of time, the sunrise, with its golden light, will slowly bring you back to reality.

Time for one last swim before heading back home.

Nestled in a big garden, Le Tamarin is a great place to have a quiet drink before going out to dinner, or to have lunch after a lazy morning relaxing on Saline beach.

Named after the large Tamarind tree found in the garden, the setting of this restaurant is romantic with Balinese couches and chairs scattered on the lawn, soft light and music. There is also a wonderful little boutique in the back of the garden, with an eclectic and colorful selection of summer clothes.

I love to lounge in the garden with a nice cool glass of white wine, sushi and a few friends. Do try their warm Fondant au chocolat with a caramel heart…a delicious end to a quiet evening.

Turtles on St. Barths are not a rare sight by any means. You can find them in the water, gracefully gliding in the sea or you can find them on land.

You may come across these tortoises on the roads, while they attempt to cross to the other side. Many St. Barths natives will stop their cars if they see a tortoise and carry it to safety, always in the direction that the tortoise was headed for. I had to stop four times this afternoon!

They are also common pets for the local children who will feed them hibiscus flowers or lettuce.  As a child, my sister and I each had one. They both escaped as they grew bigger and could leave the garden by themselves, but they have left me with a fondness for them.

Sea turtles are more difficult to approach. They are quite skittish and will swim away from any perceived danger, a large human floating or diving close will scare them. But, if you are quiet and unhurried, you will be able to observe them. They are usually found in Colombier Bay or Marigot Bay in St Barths.

All you need is a scuba gear….. and sometimes, a lot of patience!

Gouverneur BeachThis morning, there was absolutely no one at Gouverneur beach… I had the beach to myself, just warm sand, the sun and the sound of waves breaking on the beach. A pelican hunting overhead was my only companion.

Gouverneur is considered one of the most beautiful beaches of St. Barths. The view of the bay while coming down the road is simply incredible, the turquoise water against the white of the sand.

It was a lazy morning followed by a delicious hamburger at the Select in Gustavia. A day in paradise!

Washing MachineWashing Machine is the name that the locals of St. Barths give to a series of small natural pools in Grand Fond. A footpath, overlooking the ocean, will lead you to the pools sheltered from the sea by natural rock formations.  These pools, heated from the sun, are an oasis for sea urchins, so watch your feet…

This is the wild coast of the island, where you are more likely to come across a goat than another person. A truly different experience during a St. Barths vacation.

Should you want to visit those pools, I would advise to wear sensible shoes and to bring water, as the walk is about 15min, with no shade to speak of.

Surfing in Toiny, St BarthsYesterday, Toiny was the preferred place for both surfers and onlookers. There must have been about 20 surfers riding waves of a height we rarely see in St. Barths. I sat on the beach in front of Le Toiny Hotel, with my camera in hand, to enjoy the show and take a few photos.

The surfers did not want to head back to shore even when the light started waning. Some did not have a choice, once their surfboards broke in two, but others came back tired but happy at having tamed the waves time and time again.

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